Grey's Cloud Nine

Knitting,kids,life,sci fi cons,medieval reenactment, ect.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Hello again

So, you find a blog, and it seems cool enough. The person has some similar interests, and some quirky ones too. She seems a little bit preoccupied with child care, and doesn't knit nearly fast enough to make her projects interesting. This is ok, you understand. You get hook on reading her blog, and then BOOM, she looses interest, and doesn't post. Don't you HATE that?? Oh wait a second, that is what I just did.. Sorry.
OK, so here I am, blogging, and will TRY to do so when I can. No promises, but hey I am disorganized, and a procrastinator. For instance, we have our W2's in, but have I made an appointment with our accountant? NOPE.
Speaking of being a procrastinator.. You never did see Santa pics did you? Christmas ones, I don't recommend you holding your breath on... I used a regular camera, not a digital.. And we all know how THAT one goes.... Remember the pics of my Japan trip back in May?? Of course you don't, BECAUSE I NEVER POSTED THEM.
Anyways, here are the pics of Lil bit on Santa's Lap.

Notice the great attention and dedication she is showing... To the candy cane that we had to give her to sit there! She wasn't interested in santa at all, and I am thankful that it was an event given by the local fire fighters, and not a mall one. Santa knew Lil Bit's grand parents, and was cheerful about it all. The same event, Lil bit got to choose presents for her family, with the help of her cousin, and a "Santa's helper".

Also, want to see a pic of my current knitting project?

Too bad.. Showing you anyways!

It will be a cardigan for Lil Bit next year. It is the project that mom brought me when Hubby was in the ER. It is a Sassy Skein kit.. But since I have already decided to not put in the intarsia hearts, and change the colors around, it won't look anything like the picture found here:

It is the one named "Circus Parade" Just WAY too many colors for me. Also I KNEW if I tried to do the intarsia hearts, I would never finish it. I do know how, just loose interest.

OK, guess that is it for now. Hope to post more soon.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

This poo is for you.

*note* bodily functions are discussed within, so if this is the sort of thing that bothers you, maybe you want to skip this one.

You can tell that you are a parent, when you find yourself HAPPY to change a dirty diaper. It starts when you get the newborn home, and are worrying she is eating enough... Then it tends to center on whether it is all coming out all right. Well, apparently we are going through THAT again.

New Years day, we picked up Lil Bit from my mother in law's and found out that Lil Bit had had a rough time of it. It was reported that Lil Bit had a bowel movement that was very large and hard. She was in much pain and even bled with it a little bit. The next day, she had some pain with the next bowel movement. After this, Lil bit went four days without a Poe.

On Friday, it was decided enough was enough. I called and made an appointment for the next day. Lil Bit's doctor prescribed mineral oil, salve for her rear (apparently the skin had been broken with the pressure), and recommended lots of prune juice and prune sauce.

I am pleased to report that things seem better now, and somehow that I have been blessed with a child that LIKES prune juice.

Yep, was happy to see that dirty diaper yesterday