Grey's Cloud Nine

Knitting,kids,life,sci fi cons,medieval reenactment, ect.

Monday, October 30, 2006


The neighbor's grand daughter came over today, and brought Lil Bit her Halloween treats, since the neighbor will be gone tomorrow. I was thinking it was a nice gesture, but not really sure if Lil Bit could have it. I should have taken a closer look. Inside were three bottles of bubbles, a cereal bar, and some fruit snacks. Never underestimate a woman with grand kids.

Friday, October 27, 2006

A long hard road ahead

This is what I have been saying for the last 24 hours or so. I know this isn't as heart wrenching news as some have had, but I am still very stressed out. Those who know me, know Hubby is a very large man. I love him just the way he is. The only reason I want him to loose weight is to better his health.
We went to a clinic two and a half hours away yesterday, to see about gastric bypass surgery. I have been of two minds about this. Hubby does need serious intervention, he has never been able to loose enough weight, nor has he been able to keep it off. When he gains it back, he gains much, much more. He is having knee and back problems, and has been loosing a lot of work.
On the other side, If I were to loose my husband from from complications to surgery, I would never recover. We are an odd pair, but we are soul mates, and I love him to the point of obsession. Beyond this, finanatialy and emotionally, I don't think I could raise Lil bit on my own.
It seems that the people at the clinic are seeing it the second way: They have said they won't do the surgery on him until he looses 60 lbs. He is too much a surgery risk, and his health isn't bad enough to chance it.
I am now stressed out to the max. I know that most of this is going to fall on me. I prepare his food, I do the grocery shopping. The dietition pretty much confirmed this, by talking directly to me about calories and food choices once she found out I was the personal chef.
Hubby and I have been there before. I know that this is going to be very hard, and I know that Hubby will resent me trying to "control" his food choices. I know there is much bickering and aggravation ahead.
Also, I know there will be a lot of people that just don't understand after we reach his goal, and still want the surgery. Hubby now weights 100 lbs MORE than the weight he was when he decided to go on a diet the last time. He did loose 50 lbs before he quit. This cycle can't continue. My best friend's father is bed ridden, partly because of his weight. He is 50 years old. We all cried when he got out of his wheel chair to dance with the bride. The last thing I want is for us to have a repeat of this when Lil Bit gets married.
I think that hubby was hoping this would be a quick fix.. He would get the surgery, wouldn't be able to eat, and loose weight. I knew it would be harder than that, and during the lecture things were confirmed for me. Hubby will still have to eat the right things and exercise. He will have to eat a high protein diet for the rest of his life, take mega vitamins, and basically be allergic to sugar. They say that the sugar will make a post operative person throw up. I can't imagine never being able to have birthday cake again, but I would trade all of it to keep Hubby healthy.
I have also learned from all this, that I am way more addicted to food than hubby, even though he is the one with the eating disorder. I use food for celebrations, and special events. I think honestly the reason that I don't have a weight problem is that when I am upset, I just don't eat. Here it is six at night, and I have had a snickers bar and a granola bar all day.
They say it is going to take six months to a year for hubby to get through the program far enough to be approved for the surgery. This is if he looses the weight like he is supposed to. So, for the next year, I will be going with Hubby every six weeks to doctor's appointments two and a half hours away. Looks like Lil bit is going to be spending some quality time with Hubby's parents.
Wish us luck.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Sci Fi Con

Well, about to do something gutsy (for me) I talked about the Sci Fi con, but don't think everyone out in blog land knows exactly what this is about. You probally have an idea that we have forums about sci fi shows, and signing of our favorite authors, and we do. We also have forums on costuming, a big costume contest, a couple small ones, role playing gaming, an art gallery, a BIG room for vendors, sword fighting demos, movies played in three theaters, etc.. This is my local con, mileage may vary.
Honestly, I don't push myself to do a whole lot. This is my time to relax, and meet old friends and new people that are like minded. I did the kiddy costume contest with Lil Bit, watched a movie that a friend of a friend made. (HIGH honors, for a amateur film company to get their movies shown) Listened to my favorite author speak, did the dealers room and looked at the art. I didn't even play in any of the role playing games this year.
So, Teresa, what did you do? Mostly I got dressed up, one night in a Hodge podge costume I put together (my talent, can't sew worth diddly, but can put a costume together off the rack from normal clothes), and once in a renaissance bride's maid dress I wore two years ago. Wandered around, met new people talked to old ones.. At night there was a big party, and I did drink. We sport one of the few cons that has free beer for Con goers at night in the hotel part of the con. Unfortunately this does draw people that realize that for $50 bucks they can have two nights of free beer, and plenty of other parties throughout the hotel offering other drinks for free. These people don't understand WHY the rest of us are there, and tend to gawk a little. This year, though it seems there were more people that were honest con goers, and was a lot of fun.
Here is the gutsy part. To share this experience with you, I am sharing (with his permission) a buddy's photo gallery of people he saw at the con. I warn you, there are a lot of women in alluring costumes. Given my buddy took the pictures, and there are a lot of that sort of thing, it is to be expected. I am in one of the pictures, though I am not saying which one. So are a lot of my friends. Lil bit or Hubby are not to be found though... So I think we are safe.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

While I was away

Lots to cover: dunno where to start.

First off, We took Lil Bit to Arthur In The Park not this last weekend, but the weekend before it. THAT was a disaster. WAY too crowded to do anything, and NOT going to stand in line a hundred people long for a one year old to get her picture taken with Elmo, or play in a ball pit.

Not a total loss, however. I did get a pic of Mr McFeely from Mr. Rodgers speaking on stage. I thought of Kate in blogland when I got this:

This Thursday was my best friend's wedding... It was a medieval/fantasy wedding, and all went well. I didn't take pics of the hall without people, and won't take pics of my friends without permission (I know, I just gave you random strangers... Never said I was totally fair) Here is a pic of me and Lil Bit, to show you how we were dressed

Yep, I decided to block out my face.. Guess I am just too chicken.. LOL.

This does show what I mean about medieval/fantasy.. Doesn't show the pretty head dress we all wore, but DOES however show that my hair can't hold curls AT ALL, no matter how much product is put into it.

Lil bit demostrated what a day with only a thirty minute nap, plus not being able to be held by Mommy during a ceremony will do to her. My mother had to hold her outside during the whole thing :(

That weekend was our annual sci fi con. I really didn't get my camera out much, given this is our vacation, but I can tell you that we dressed up every night we were there, and there was much fun had. Lil bit was watched both nights by my Mom, so that we could have adult time at the parties. This was kinda fun, given we don't do that too often. I will give you with a pic of Lil Bit dressed as a "Killer Bee" for the children's costume contest (done totally for fun, everyone gets a prize)

Wouldn't you believe that the pic of her unhappy is the one that shows off the costume? I promise I don't delight in taking pics of her pouting.

Did finish a "muppet pelt" for the bride, but didn't take a pic.. How many muppet pelt scarves do you need to see? I started both a linen pouch, and a pink fuzzy wig.. Lil bit trashed both projects. I didn't bother to continue them.