Grey's Cloud Nine

Knitting,kids,life,sci fi cons,medieval reenactment, ect.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

What a difference a day makes

Friday night, Hubby and I had this HUGE argument. It doesn't happen often, we do have a good relationship. Sometimes, however it just isn't avoidable. Won't get into the argument, for privacy's sake.
All day yesterday, I was fuming at work. I didn't get a chance to talk it out, and we had gone to bed angry (yes, I know they say don't do that, but when you can't resolve it that night, and need to work the next day, what do you do?) Tried my best not to take it out on the customers, but I am afraid I snapped at a new cashier.
I came home, did housework, played with Lil Bit.. Was a bit apprehensive about hubby coming home. Hubby come home, went straight to the bathroom, and then straight to bed. Uh Oh, is he still THAT upset? He does work second shift, but it was only nine thirty at night. I went to talk to him in the bedroom, and realized that he was VERY sick. He said that he had been throwing up all day, and had to take frequent bathroom breaks. He had a fever, chills, and a bad headache too. I asked him why he didn't come home when he got sick. He looked at me and said "I wasn't ABOUT to come home sick". Okay, he was a bit apprehensive too.
Not the time to rehash the argument. I made him comfortable, gave him Tylonol, called his sister in law (she is a nurse) and let him know that if he wanted to go to the ER, I was ready (Saturday night, no doctor keeping hours until after Christmas).
I woke up several times during the night "Ready to go to the ER?" "No" "Okay, let me know" happened each time. I got up in the morning, got ready for work. I asked him how he felt "well, if you didn't have to go to work, I would say lets go to the ER". Well, I HAD to go to work. The only way I will get paid for Christmas is if I show up the day before, and the day after. I made some calls, and his dad was to take him, while his mom watched Lil Bit.
I was on pins and needles at work, and by the time I got off work, I was so nervous that I couldn't remember Hubby's cell number. I was becoming a nuisance at work, tying up the phone, and blocking customer service. I decided that I had to go somewhere else to call.
Going home seemed like a bad idea. Work was half way between the hospital and home. So instead, I went to my parents house. Dad was home, and had Hubby's cell number for me. No answer. So, I tried Hubby's Dad. Answer. Hubby was still at the hospital, Hubby's mom was with Lil bit, and I should worry about Hubby. Went to the hospital, Hubby was strapped to an IV. Hubby had the stomach flu, and was now dehydrated. This is nothing new. Hubby doesn't get too sick too often, but when he does, he will get dehydrated to the point they want to hook him up to an IV.
I relieved Hubby's dad, and my mom showed up. Shouldn't have been surprised, that is what our family does. If someone is sick, you go visit. Asked mom if she would bring me knitting.. And I got a few rows done on a cardigan for Lil bit (yes, my mom has knitting kits just laying around). Hubby got discharged, and is resting comfortably in bed.
I went to go get Lil bit, and bring her home. No dice. Hubby's mom would like to keep her, let Hubby and me rest, and hopefully Hubby won't be so contagious. I understand her reasoning, but I am still depressed. Christmas Eve has always been a time for presents and family in my household. Christmas morning, Santa has brought gifts in your stockings, and then you go to church. We then come home and had a big supper.
I was looking forward to opening presents tonight with my family, then giving Lil Bit her stocking in the morning, and then going to my In-laws for more presents and then dinner. Lil Bit has been looking forward to her stocking too. I had been storing her little toys in the stocking, but she kept pulling them out. My mother said that once when she told Lil Bit that she was to stay away from the stocking, Lil bit pointed on the picture of her on the front and said her name! Kinda like "SEE, MY picture!, MY stocking!" Yes, I have a handful.
Well, going to wrap presents, and then clean house.. I will go to bed early, so that I get my rest that my mother in law has prescribed.
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Only In America...

Would you see a mostly German and Hungarian decent woman and her mostly Japanese and Dutch decent husband sit down and eat Eggs Verde (a Mexican dish) for breakfast. Needless to say my life is full of diversity.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

To put things in perspective

I was talking to a friend last week, and asked if his son was looking forward to Christmas. My friend and his wife had adopted this 7 year old boy over the past year. I did know that this boy had not had the best of lives, and had been quite neglected. "Yes, he is very much looking forward to Christmas, because it is the first year Santa will stop at his house". This child had NEVER had a single Christmas present. NOT because of religion, but because no one ever thought to get him anything.
I thought this would help all the mothers out there that are worried about their kids not getting enough. At least there is someone who is worried about it, and doing their best.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Six strange things about me.

Alison has this meme on her blog: You name six weird things about you, then tag six people. I agree with Alison, If anyone else wants to do this, then can tag themselves.

1) My mother spent the first few years of her life in Japan. My husband's mother is an immigrant from Japan. This is pure coincidence.

2) I have been to Japan, but STILL haven't seen the ocean.

3) In the sixth grade, my teacher gave us a test to find out who should be on a math team. I came in third. The kicker is it was Multiple choice, and I had GUESSED most of the answers. Needless to say, I wasn't on the math team.

4) Hubby and I had a medieval wedding. Hubby and all the groomsmen were in kilts.

5) When I was 17, I wiggled my eyebrows so much, that all my friends were annoyed. Finally to break myself of the habit, I shaved them off.

6) Lil Bit was born on her due date.

ok, so go tag yourself already! Leave a comment that you have done so, then we will read it on your blog. If you don't have a blog, you are more than welcome to leave your responses in the comments.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Off The Needles

Why don't I knit more? Why is it, when I do knit, it tends to be shapeless fun fur scarves? Well, I am a fairly slow knitter, who likes knitting for knit sakes. Fun fur scarves knit up quickly, and don't show wear and tear when THIS happens

Painful, isn't it? That is the beginnings of a feather and fan shawl. Lil bit ripped it off the needles THREE times that day. The last time I just stuffed it back in the bag, and put it up.

Yeah, I know, I should have put it up between each use, but I am an unorganised knitter who likes to put her knitting bag on top of the couch. Lil bit is a very head strong baby who likes to climb things, and free knitting needles.

I like this shawl, because the top edge starts with four stitches and is added to with each row. You can see how the live stitches make up the triangle of the shawl. Pattern found here:

obviously I am using one color at the moment, and using worsted weight acrylic (don't know if I am going to give it away or keep it)

I put it back on the needles today, and will TRY and keep it away from the baby.

Wish me luck.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Home Sweet Home

We just finally got to spend a night in our own beds last night. I feel SO much better.
We had lots of rain peppered with sleet and freezing rain. THEN it all froze on us. About ten at night on Thursday night I started hearing popping. Some time after that, the power went out. I wandered in the dark for the candle lighter, and then lit me some candles, and plugged in the corded phone. I called Hubby. Hubby had been stuck on a Metro Link train since 7:30. He said he would call his parents. I am thinking that they will bring me some kind of portable heat. NOPE, his mom shows up, and says "lets go". I stall. I don't want to leave my home, and don't want to wake up Lil Bit. It wasn't THAT cold that night and I thought we would be ok. Then I thought of Hubby, stuck on the train, and decide he doesn't need the stress of worrying about me, and the drama of me being stubborn.
So, I go to his parent's. Hubby finally gets dropped off at a train station, and then they send busses to take him to the station he was supposed to be dropped off at. Hubby's dad goes to get him.
I finally get Lil Bit back to bed about 1:30 in her grandmother's bed. It has been decided that she and her grandma would get that bed. Hubby's mom suggests me and hubby get the second bed, and his dad gets the couch. Hubby puts his foot down, says his Dad needs a bed. So I get the couch and Hubby the floor. Trains and Planes didn't run the next morning, so hubby doesn't go to work, and his mom doesn't go on her business trip. My store has power, so I get to go to work that afternoon. By then, the streets were drivable. Ice covered the trees and power lines. Trees were down all over, some covering the road ways. At my house several of my trees are down, we have a lot of work ahead of us.
Yesterday, Hubby went to work, his mom to her trip. It got above freezing, and a lot melted. The power company was able to turn our power on. Life is getting back to normal.
Talking to people at work, the main thing on a lot of people's mind is the fact: This just happened to us six months ago!!! Of course then it was two thunder storms back to back, and the worry was a heat wave, not freezing weather. Hopefully there will be less problems with food spoiling. There are still plenty of people out of power, and we were lucky. The fact we had somewhere to go, should make me feel safe. I am STILL happy to be home, though.