Grey's Cloud Nine

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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Diet update

It is indeed proving to be a long hard road. That said, we are traveling it well. Hubby has lost 28lbs, 17 in the last two months. It took awhile to change the way we cook, eat, and look at food. Hubby has now gotten his blood pressure under control, and now the real fun begins.
They have prescribed an appetite suppressant, and hubby is using slim fast to help him drop weight faster. The dietitian has approved this, as long as he realises that once we are done with the appetite suppressants, it is back to the life changes that we have already made.
We know from experience that Hubby is capable of dropping the required weight on this medicine. We also know from experience that once it is done, he is capable of gaining the weight x 2 back.
The plan of course, is to keep on with the lifestyle changes, and prepare for surgery.
Wish us luck.



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