Grey's Cloud Nine

Knitting,kids,life,sci fi cons,medieval reenactment, ect.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Almost Two months

Hey, sorry to abandon you fine people. Work has been working me five days a week, and when not working, I have Lil Bit and Hubby and housework. Life with a 2 year old keeps me on my feet, so yeah, life happens. Little things happen that make me think, "I should blog this" but they are never enough to actually post.

Some major things:

Lil bit is now 2... too lazy to upload pics now. We had a blast. I served 1 1/2 gallons of chili, hot dogs, a veggie platter, a Winnie the Poo cake, and ice cream. We had it on a Wensday night, 19 people showed, and no one stayed so long as to overwhelm Lil Bit. Lil Bit did cry when we sang "Happy Birthday", though. This surprised me, because usually nothing scares her.

Easter (the weekend before her birthday) went well, Lil Bit ended up with FOUR Easter baskets and a gift bag with Easter goodies. wondering why everyone seems to think a child that young needs THAT much candy. Of course Hubby and I helped dispose of it.

Speaking of Hubby and eating.... Hubby has now lost 52lbs!!!!!!!!!!!! yep, we are quite happy with it. 8 more lbs till he is eligible for the surgery. He has an appointment in the middle of July to speak to the surgeon. All he has to do now is loose the eight pounds and keep them off!! wish us luck!

Well, that is all I can think of for now. please be patient with me. I promise I am looking in on all of you, and reading your blogs, I even post comments time to time. I do plan on keeping this blog going, but I don't want it to be an obligation. When I have time to share, I will. I leave you with a pic of Lil Bit and her favorite bunny.