Grey's Cloud Nine

Knitting,kids,life,sci fi cons,medieval reenactment, ect.

Friday, June 30, 2006


Please go read the Yarn Harlot's post:

I will wait.

Back? okies.
My thoughts: Lil bit is 14 months. She is still breast fed from 1 to 4 times a day. I get flack from friends and co workers about it, and I am wishy washy about the issue. I worry about spoiling Lil bit, but know that the nutrition and anti-bodies are still good for her. I feel a little bit of shame when I "give in" to breast feeding her any time but the nightly feeding, feeling as if I should be working toward a goal of weaning her.

WHY do I feel that way? My guess is peer peer pressure. WHY is it anyone's freaking business how long I breast feed my child, other than me, and my husband (who honestly has no opinion). My lactation consultant has been encoraging me to keep up till Lil Bit quits on her own, or she is at least 18 months, saying that it is best for the immune system that way.

Anyways, most women should be so lucky to have problems like mine, huh? My best friend has tried to breast feed twice, failed twice. So, I read every book I could get my hands on, read online articles, and took a class. My mother laughed at me, saying that it came natural to her, and it was no big deal.

I have Lil bit C section, am on pain killers, and surprise surprise: Lil bit wants to sleep, not eat. They bring me the baby, and say that if I need help call. I was like:HELP. It would take 45 minutes to get her to wake up and eat, and then 45 minutes for her to eat the colostrium. They brought her every 3 hours whether she wanted to eat or not. When the milk did come in, they told me 15 minutes on each breast, and I felt that I was doing something WRONG because she would eat for 5 minutes on one breast and be full. By this time, they were letting her room in, so I would try to get her to eat in another hour. I read later that some women are quick drops, and some babies are quick drinkers.

At this time I questioned my mom. She said all of this should come natural??? I found out that they didn't bother with colosurm back then. I didn't get fed for the first three days of my life!! GO figure, mom had no problems! I would have probally eaten just about anything at that point.

A lot of people complain about WIC, that they give the women free formula, and of course the women pick that. WIC has been a God send for me. They have let me borrow books, given me a pump, and have a lactation consultant to talk to. As I said before, she is STILL encouraging me to breastfeed. WIC has even given me little "prizes" for breastfeeding. I have a bib, a tote, a T shirt, and a coffee cup all telling me what good start breastfeeding is.

Things I wished they would have told me about breastfeeding:

1) Newborns sometimes would rather sleep than eat colostrum. Keep working at it, when the milk comes in, it will be a whole new ball park

2) When they say 15 minutes on each breast, that is an average.. Mileage will vary. Just because your child only eats for 5 minutes at a time doesn't mean she is going to starve.

3) Yes, keeping charts of the baby's feeding times and diapers might be a bit much. If it keeps you mind at ease go for it, but the doctor doesn't want to see it.

4) Breast feeding takes more calories from you than being pregnant. Breast feeding babies eat more often than bottle fed ones. It is NOT a sign of weakness that you are STILL exhausted after the second month. If you need help GET IT.

6) Breast feeding is HARD exhausting work, that no one else can do for you. Sure they can bottle feed the baby, but that means you have to pump it first. The work is totally worth the effort though

5) Everyone has an opinion, and will voice it. Do what is right for you.

I am so glad that I did breastfeed, but at the same time I don't push the idea that it is the ONLY way to go. To be honest, I push slings a whole lot more. I think that there would be a lot happier babies out there if all babies were sling trained. To this day, if she gets cranky, as a last resort, I will put her in a sling. She will quiet instantly.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Lately, I have been spending most of my time trying to the house clean. I have been wondering WHY it seems to be way harder for me than most mothers. While I am trying to keep the house clean, Lil Bit is tearing it up. Then in frustration I hit the computer, or my knitting, and Lil bit tries to take my "toy" away from me. At night, she would be totally screaming till we went for her walk, and then until I got her bath together. This clearly isn't working.
Yesterday I realized something. I had read an article that said if you are saying "no" more than you are giving hugs, you need to re evaluate your parenting style. So, I gave in. I figured that I would be happier playing on the floor with Lil Bit, and at least she wouldn't tear up the house while I was playing with her.
Guess what? The house is cleaner than it usually is, and both me and my darling girl are happier. It is her bath time, and not only is she NOT screaming, but she is typing happily on HER keyboard, while I am typing this on mine. I guess sometimes you do have to just give in.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Just Swimmingly

Lil bit loves Baths and LOVES the water. Here are some pics taken for your enjoyment of her playing with her lil pool:

Lil Bit loves her tiny pool, she loves to help fill it!

Lil bit getting ready to splash over the side of the pool

You will notice that I have no pictures of her IN the pool. For some reason this time, she spent most of her time running through it really fast and then going back to splashing on the sides.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Proof of knitting

Proof That I HAVE been Knitting.
Slippers (the green yarn is proud) a dish rag, and the start of a tote for mom.

I KNOW, this isn't all that impressive, and I could have had a sweater by now.. But small quick projects make me happy :D
I plan on making a Jacket or two for Lil bit... But beyond that, no big plans for anything big.

Friday, June 09, 2006

No photo's today. We just upgraded the operating system on the computer, and I need to figure how to get everything straight again. (we were still operating with Window's ME)
Highlights: Lil Bit and I went to a free Shakespeare play. (no pics were allowed) Lil bit liked the outdoors, etc, and liked our picnic. She kept me hopping, and I was unable to really concentrate on the play (Julius Cesar) .
Lil bit likes her new pool, but go figure, she loves baths.
Question for moms: how old can I start thinking about potty training? I know Lil Bit is kind of young, but she is taking her own diapers off. I don't know that I will be able to keep a diaper on her, soon.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Ren Faire

We went to the Ren Faire on Memorial Day. Hubby's knee is still messed up, and pushing the stroller on gravel wore me out. We had to take it slow, but we still had a great time. It seems as if when you stop and sit in one place, everyone else eventually comes to you!
This was Lil Bit's first Ren Faire. Last year it was too hot, and she was too little. We just can't travel to out of town Ren Faires right now, so this was our first chance to take her. Again, I think she looked upon it as a really long walk. Oh well, she likes walks ;)
Ren Faires and Sci Fi cons are like big reunions to us. There are people that we only see at events. Also we get to know the vendors. Here is the stand of the lady who bailed us out two weeks before the wedding when our bride's maids' dresses didn't come

Here is Lil bit being a cranky baby because it is time to go:

It does show her wee little tunic off, though.

Well, it is time for me to go, have a great day!!!