A POST, with pics and EVERYTHING!!
First an announcement: I now have a new nephew. Hubby's sister in law had a baby boy two days ago. I am told that he doesn't look a bit Asian, and that he will be home on Wendsday. I will report more on that when I get to see him.
My best friend is getting married Oct the 5th (yes, I am aware that it is on a Thursday). Another friend and I had a shower for her yesterday. It went very well, and The bride was happy over everything. I stressed over cleaning and over food... And let my other friend stress over decorations and games. Not going to show pictures of people, since they haven't' given permission.. But here are a few other pics:

A bear we decorated for the bride: her nic name is Bear
Also decorations at the shower. There are Teddy Grahams in the cups!
Lil bit dressed up for the shower! She is acting like herself though! She climbed up on the table to get the grahams!
Today I saw that Yahoo messenger has FINALLY made plus sized avatars.. (Look in the outfit's section for the female avatars) Kudos for that, but HEY, they don't look too much bigger than me, and I am a size 14. Just because someone isn't a twiggy little thing, doesn't make her plus sized! Just an opinion.
I was looking through a bag of clothes my best friend gave me, and found clothes that can pass for pioneer clothes for Lil bit. (would show a pic, but Blogger is being difficult all of the sudden) I have a friend that says she can make me a bonnet for her :) I plan on having the outfit for a local sci-fi con we go to every year. People go dressed in historical as well as fantasy clothing.
Well, I hope this was enough of a blog for you, hope to post again soon.
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