Grey's Cloud Nine

Knitting,kids,life,sci fi cons,medieval reenactment, ect.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

Getting ready for Thanksgiving Part II. Part one was on Monday. I cooked a pretty good meal for my parents, my family, and my father in law. Now I am going with my in laws to (get this) My husband's brother's wife's father's house. ACK! Lil bit will be with family though. What gives? Hubby works for TSA. The airports are still open, so in he goes :( OH WELL, we are used to this. For years, before we had Lil Bit, he worked bar security, and I worked retail. I am used to working the day before and day after, and him having to go in at 4 the day of(cause don't you know, that is when people get sick of the relatives, and need a stiff drink). So, this is the second year that he gets to go search for bombs instead of throw out drunks. I honestly think this job is much safer.
It is also the second year that I am selling food instead of clothes. This makes me happier. It always depressed me that I was selling things that people didn't need, pushing credit that they couldn't afford. Much happier now that I KNOW they need food. Of course some of the JUNK people buy really makes me wonder, but I digress.
I am thankful that we are in a house that I could hold a dinner without us being wall to wall people
I am thankful that God gave me a very healthy child that is growing out of being a baby each and every day.
I am thankful for Hubby, and the comfort he gives me.
I am thankful for baby hugs and kisses!

Hope that all of you remember to be thankful today, and try to ENJOY instead of worry.


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